In a nation known for its squeaky-clean governance and zero-tolerance approach to corruption, Singapore finds itself in the grip of shock and disbelief as...
Introduction - Sachin Tendulkar: The Effect of Deepfake Recordings in India
Sachin Tendulkar, the prestigious Indian cricket legend, has as of late been designated by...
In a pivotal moment, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to address delegates at the World Economic Forum in Russian City on Tuesday. This...
Introduction - Russian Oil Imports via Indian Routes
In 2023, Europe saw a significant flood in the import of Russian oil through India, notwithstanding the...
Introduction - Buddha Kid
Nepal's otherworldly scene has been shaken by the capture of Smash Bahadur Bomjon, otherwise called the "Buddha Kid," on charges of...
Introduction - Taliban
The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan has prompted a progression of denials of basic freedoms, including the capture of ladies challenging the schooling...
These remarks were made by three deputy ministers. The authorities, Malsha Shareef, Mariyam Shiuna, and Abdulla Mahzoon Majid, were focused for their remarks against...